Chickweed Tincture
Suggested uses:
- Cooling and moistening so helps hot, inflamed tissue
- Pectoral expectorant and mucilaginous
- For hot/dry lung conditions
- Old wives tale is that it is used for obesity
- Helps fatty tumors (soft, moveable lumps on body)- can use internally and externally- may help this since it dissolves fat
- Ovarian cysts (when used with motherwort and/or mugwort)
- Diuretic
- Ulcers and colitis
- Emollient- soothing, especially to the skin
- For itchy, irritated skin conditions: cuts, eczema, bites, rashes, chicken pox, hives, diaper rash, Psoriasis, burns, boils, etc.
- Joint oiler for rheumatism and arthritis (orally and topically)
- Stiff neck
- gout
- Can use with black walnut for low thyroid
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
handcrafted Chickweed (Stellaria media/ Stellaria pubins) extracted in Brandy