Dandelion Tincture
Suggested uses:
- Helps body get more iron out of food
- Alterative (for many systems of the body and treats a broad range of symptoms)
- Good idea to take dandelion periodically
- A wonderful general remedy
- Mood regulating and altering-brightens mood
- Bipolar disorder and manic depression (*do not use if on Lithium-study showed it will make the side effects of the lithium worse)
- planter’s warts, warty protrusions, bee stings, corns, callouses, hard pimples, blisters, and hard cuticles
- muscle remedy; muscle relaxant (salve also great for this)
- stops muscle fatigue and increases stamina
- Specific for tenderness in the sternocleidomastoid muscle in the neck (can rub oil or tincture on it)
- restless leg syndrome (topically-preventatively and during)
- chronic sinus congestion and issues
- Dries out mucous
- obesity and cardiovascular issues
- Lowers lipids
- could be used preventatively or as a remedy for breast cancer
- calcifications
- Gallactigogue
- moistening
- Bitter (helps digestive tract, for healthy digestion)
- For abdominal swelling and tenderness, dyspepsia, and indigestion
- Good kidney, liver, and lymphatic remedy
- Liver and bile tonic-tones hepatic structure and removes stagnation
- Bile duct swelling and blockage, and cholesterol based gall stones
- Jaundice remedy
- beginning of sclerosis
- Active on liver cancer cells
- eruptions on the surface of the body
- green poop in children
- Mild laxative for habitual constipation
- For skinny bowel movements with lots of wiping
- Urinary tract and kidneys
- Diuretic
- For bed wetting (use earlier in the day to get it all out)
- Gout, dropsy, kidney stones, urinary tract stones, gravel stones (most kidney and bladder issues)
- Pancreas remedy
- pancreatic tumors
- ovarian cancer cells
- active on leukemia cells
- Sucks out heavy metals and wastes (hyper accumulator of lead, zinc, and cadmium)
- Gets blood flowing
- Associated with spring cleanses and fevers
- Antioxidant properties
- can reduce oxidative stress and hangover symptoms
- anti-viral activity
- hypoglycemia
- anti-diabetic properties (regulates blood sugar, chromium, and inulin)
- Helps middle-age onset diabetes
- protective against brain cell death
- Can re-calcify bone
- For mushroom mistakes
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
handcrafted dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) extracted in Brandy