Motherwort Tincture
Suggested uses:
- Diaphoretic- opens pores and helps move a fever through
- Helps sinus issues
- Nervine
- Women’s medicine
- Hormonal regulator
- Relaxing, calming, and uplifting
- Can use during pregnancy (except during first trimester), menopause, and post-partum (regulates hormones post-partum, so great for new mothers with anxiety and post-partum depression)
- Crabbiness, PMS
- Menopausal hot flashes with heart palpitations
- Effects the liver and blood
- High blood pressure remedy
- Helps strengthen the heart by changing hormones
- Helps with breast feeding if mom is anxious
- Galactogogue
- When you need a little mother (warm fuzzies) you take this
- Really works on relationship issues between mothers and children (you as a mother, or with your mother)- re-engages connection; could help adopted kids, clinginess to mother; only need the energy of one of the people to shift in order to improve the relationship; perception changes
- Use for anxieties to calm people down
- Tension and anxiety felt in the chest
- Spinal remedy- upright rigidness
- Helps irritability
- Great for anything with the heart
- Helps grief of the heart
- Motherwort can be taken long-term or can randomly self-medicate with it
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
handcrafted Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) extracted in Brandy