Plantain Tincture
Suggested uses:
*1st Aid must-have
*For any external uses, can use tincture or salve
- basic first aid for anything embedded in the skin
- Stings and bites, infections, puss, splinters, dirty wounds, ticks, glass, poison/toxins, in-grown hairs, boils, tetanus, hair loss, pimples and cystic acne, promotes new skin growth
- Will not close the wound, good at drawing out everything before it heals up
- Can also use on closed up wounds. Will pull out through skin.
- Astringent so stops itching and swelling.
- Eczema, dry skin, and chapped lips.
- Good for teeth and gum issues (especially teething babies-allows tooth to erupt and helps pain and inflammation), gingivitis, receding gums, root canal surgery
- Anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, astringent, analgesic, reduces bleeding, Alterative and tonic, relaxant and stimulant
- Planters warts and planters fasciitis
- Burn wound remedy (doesn’t scar)
- Sinus polyps
- Helps pain in nerves of face and ears.
- Helps nails grow faster and longer.
- Helps aging, great face moisturizer. Think of elasticity in leaves and in skin.
- Vaginal discharge, yeast infections (inflamed, irritated vaginal membranes)
- Affects body from head to toe, so heals membranes, is cooling and moistening, anti-inflammatory for whole body, internal wounds and poisonous wounds
- Sinusitis, hay fever, allergies, post nasal drip (allows to drain and drip and dries up secretions, cleanses and improves the flow of mucous)- can also just rub oil on sinus and throat areas, or use leaf
- Respiratory issues, lung tonic
- Sore throats
- Excessive bleeding, even menstrual bleeding
- Helps organs that filter
- Kidney and bladder issues
- For cloudy, foul, and/or bloody urine and bowels
- Tones kidneys, helps them balance out-diuretic
- Soothes and cleans out intestines
- Gastrointestinal disorders- ulcers, leaky gut, ulcerative colitis, diarrhea
- Historically taken internally for snake and scorpion bites and Native Americans used for parasites.
- Lyme’s disease-could take awhile so stick with it
- Clears out environmental toxins in general. A good, light detox.
- Calms irritated tissue
- Hemorrhoids
- Varicose veins
- Biomedical studies have shown: low doses worked better, kills some cancer cell lines, anti-tumor effects, active against melanoma, blocks anti-inflammatory response
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
handcrafted Plantain (Plantago major) extracted in Brandy