Prickly Ash Tincture
Suggested uses:
*Can use internally and externally (can also use salve externally)
- Could be for people who are energetically wired, edgy, pushy
- Could be used on dogs who fear bite
- For autism when they can’t express their pain (1 drop)
- Actions: anti-microbial, anti-viral, auto-immune, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, overall tonic, restorative, alterative, stimulant, silagogue (produces saliva), mild laxative, diaphoretic, carminative (gas/bloating), and anti-spasmodic (berries too)
- Biomedical studies found it is anti-fungal and found it to have antioxidative activity against Leukemia cells
- Chronic congestion in chest with deep cough
- Cardiac activity increases
- Promotes lymphatic circulation
- Homeopathic characteristics are stomach and/or menstrual cramps, sharp pains, numbness, tingling
- Dulls sharp pain/shooting pains
- Used for pain from falling on/ hitting tailbone (sharp, shooting pain, and can press nerves in a funny way which can cause numbness)
- Dulls back pains from surgery
- Tightness and numbness in shoulders
- arthritic sensations (will relax and warm the area when rubbed on)
- muscular rheumatism and osteoarthritis
- Can help symptoms of multiple sclerosis
- Possible for ataxic muscle tone
- painful menstruation (cramps that feel like barbed wire is tearing out of ovaries)
- tooth aches
- dental pain, helps numb
- Could be used for teething, but plantain works better
- cold sores that tingle
- indolent ulcers and old wounds
- Part of the Hoxsey cancer cure
- Used for nerve pain
- Helps regulate nerve excess or weakness
- Can help nerves heal and regrow
- Can be used on amputated limbs (phantom nerve pains; rub right on the end of the limb)
- Sciatica
- hypersensitivity
- neuralgia- stabbing, burning, extreme pain from damaged nerve
- For the sensation of “liquid electricity” and pins and needles
- Bells Palsy ( use topically first)
- Hemiplegia
- Can help weird nerve sensations from hair loss
- shingles
- Positive diffusive stimulant to the arterial and capillary system, so it opens them up, warms, and gets blood flowing
- Used to stimulate the chi and repair the body
- Strengthens a frail, weak constitution
- For people whose life force fire is inactive and weak
- Can be used for chronic fatigue
- For chronic, wasting diseases (like Tuberculosis; perhaps Diabetes)
- Circulatory issues
- Lethargy
- Cold hands and feet
- red, white, and blue extremities, and chilblains
- Raynaud’s Syndrome
- Brings warming heat to the stomach and digestive organs (is a tonic)
- stomach pains
- Moistens spleen
- A bitter, so increases salivation and secretions (bile, pancreatic, etc.) and gets digestive juices flowing
- Loose stool, constipation (due to lack of fluids), IBS
- Flatulence
- indigestion (can take 5 minutes before a meal)
- Colic
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
handcrafted Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum americanum) extracted in Brandy